So even with its fumbles and failed ventures, the company remains relevant in the technology world as well as in the investment world, paying out a fat 3% dividend yield to shareholders. 因此,就算犯些错,投资失利,微软还是照样能称雄技术界和投资界,还能付给投资者高达3%的股票红利。
But the expected real return on equity ( estimated from the dividend yield plus the expected growth of dividends) has not fallen by as much ( see charts). 但预期实际股本回报率(通过股息率和预期股息增长率估算得出)的下降幅度不如实际利率(见图表)。
That, or a juicy 7 per cent dividend yield finally proved too tempting. 股价上扬,或是7%的丰厚股息率,最终会被证明是难以抵挡的诱惑。
So if the dividend yield were to rise closer to the historic average, real returns for investors would be sent even lower. 所以如果股息收益率上升至历史平均水平,那么投资者获得的实质收益率就会更低。
Those doubting next year's prospects should take comfort in a historically high dividend yield. 那些怀疑明年前景的人,应该从处于历史高位的股息收益率中获得安慰。
One should not confuse the percentage stated as dividend yield. 投资者不可以把这个百分比与股息率混淆。
The S& P's dividend yield of 3.9 per cent is of little comfort given the uncertainty over companies 'willingness or ability to preserve dividends. 鉴于公司发放股息的意愿和能力方面存在的不确定性,标准普尔成份股公司3.9%的股息率无法为投资者提供多少安慰。
You can develop a list on both a straight dividend yield basis and a grossed-up dividend yield basis; the latter takes account of franking credits. 你可以开发一个两直线的股息收益率的基础上,严重的后续股息收益率的基础上,后者需要的预扣税款的帐户列表。
European stocks offer a2011 dividend yield of3.8% versus a bond yield of3.4%, Morgan Stanley notes; 据摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,2011年欧洲股市的股息收益率为3.8%,而债券收益率为3.4%。
We will start with the dividend yield, which is defined as dividend received in a year divided by the share price. 先从股息率(也称周息率)说起。股息率是一年的总股息除以股价。
Adding in China's trend real growth of nearly 10 per cent implies a potential all-in yield for Chinese stocks in double figures, once any dividend yield is added to growth to give a total real yield. 再加上中国近10%的趋势实际增长率,表明中国股市的潜在整体收益率为两位数(用股息收益率加上增长率,得出一个总体真实收益率)。
Weighted by market capitalisation, the average dividend yield for domestic Chinese shares is now 3.3 per cent. 经过市值加权,目前中国A股平均股息率为3.3%。
The returns obtained from investing in a share can be broken down into two components-capital gain and dividend yield. 投资股票的回报可分为两部分资本增值和股息率。
In December 1974 the dividend yield on the FT All-Share index reached 12.7 per cent. 1974年12月,英国《金融时报》全股指数(FTAll-shareindex)的股息率达到12.7%。
In the end, the share price could fall so much that the capital loss wipes out all the dividend yield. 最后,股价可能跌到资本损失完全盖过股息率。
If the share price does not change, then the investment return is equal to the dividend yield. 若是股价不变,那么,投资回报率只等于股息率。
In the UK, the dividend yield on the FTSE all-share has been above that of 10-year gilts since September last year and is nearly 2 percentage points higher. 在英国,富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)的股息率自从去年9月以来一直高于10年期美国国债收益率,目前高出近两个百分点。
If one only invests for yield, the dividend yield will have to be higher than deposit interest rates in order to be attractive. 如果纯为了收益投资股票,那么,所得的股息率必须高于存款利息。
When calculating the dividend yield, one should add both the interim and final dividends to arrive at the annual dividend. 计算股息率时,一年的总股息包括了中期和年终股息。
Most investment books recommend stocks with a high dividend yield for investors who are retired or need a steady stream of income. 许多投资书都建议退休人士或仰赖固定收益的人购买高股息率的股票。
Cisco CEO John Chambers said the annual dividend yield would be in the1 percent to2 percent range. 思科总经理约翰钱伯斯说年度的股息生息率将在百分之1到百分之2的范围。
All the evidence suggests it pays to sacrifice some of that growth for the safety and regularity of a decent dividend yield, well supported by cash. 所有的证据都表明,牺牲一些增长,换取有充足现金流支撑的良好股息回报,并享受由此带来的安全与稳定,是值得的。
It is a truism that the long-term return for equities equals the starting dividend yield plus dividend growth ( plus or minus any change in the market's rating). 众所周知股票的长期回报率等于初始的股息收益率加上股息增长率(会随市场评级而发生变化)。
The risk of buying a share that offers a high dividend yield is therefore capital loss, i.e.the share price falls. 所以,购买高股息率股票的风险就是资本损失,也就是股价下跌。
Similar to the dividend yield, the figure of dividends yield depends on the dividend policy, so it varies widely in different corporations. 同股利率相类似,股利支付率的数字取决于公司的股利政策,因而在不同的公司也是差别很大。
On the short term relations, the debt government and company size have unremark influence to dividend yield. Investor protection have week influence to dividend payout ratio. 就变量间的短期关系来说,债务治理和公司规模对股利收益率短期影响不明显,投资者权益保护对股利支付率的短期影响很微弱。